Stay on Track with your courses for financial aid eligibility

Stay Focused | Graduate on Time | Lower Your Costs

Course Program of Study (CPOS) is a U.S. Department of Education requirement that only considers courses counting toward a student’s program of study for financial aid eligibility. While this federal requirement is not new, UNC Asheville began a reporting process to monitor for it in Fall 2024.

Federal and state financial aid is only awarded for courses included in your program of study.

Your program of study includes your Liberal Arts Core requirements, your major requirements, and any elective hours needed to reach the 120 total hour requirement. To receive a full financial aid award, your coursework must include a minimum of twelve (12) undergraduate hours from your program of study each spring and fall semester. If a student’s credit hours do not meet this requirement, financial aid eligibility is reduced. This reporting process helps you lower the cost of your education and stay focused with financial aid, course registration, and your graduation timeline.

Undergraduate Hours

Total Registered Hours Hours Counting Toward Aid Distribution Hours Not Counting Toward Aid Distribution Student Aid Eligibility
12 12 0 Full-time aid
12 6 6 Half-time aid
16 12 4 Full-time aid

Stay on Track

  1. Know your degree requirements. Check your GradPlan to see which courses are still needed to complete your degree.
  2. Complete at least 15 hours per fall and spring to stay on track for a timely graduation. A minimum of 12 hours need to count towards your program of study to receive full-time aid.
  3. Meet with your academic advisor if you are considering changing, dropping or withdrawing from a class. Then check with the Office of Financial Aid as this may affect your aid.
  4. Contact the Office of Financial Aid if you’re unsure if you meet eligibility for your financial aid.
  5. Your hours for financial aid will be locked at census (the 10th day of the semester).

Check your Status

Coming soon

  • How to check in OnePort for courses not counting in aid 
  • Visit OnePort to access Financial Aid Self Service and GradPlan